Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Project: Attempting to Duplicate a Restaurant Meal

For Valentine's Day this year, Billy and I agreed that we wouldn't buy each other presents since we don't have a lot of money to throw around right now. We said we would figure out another way to celebrate. (He got me a beautiful bouquet of daises and other flowers [which is technically a present, but I still love them] and took me to a movie and out to dessert.)

I decided I would make him dinner. In our entire relationship, I hadn't made him a V-Day dinner. Time to improve my wife-ing skills! I thought about what I was going to make him and the first thing that I came up with was the best: his favorite meal from a beloved restaurant that closed about a year ago. He has mentioned ever since it closed that he still craves a Turkey Eater, so I thought I'd try to duplicate it.

What I made slightly resembled a Turkey Eater, but it tasted nothing like it. It was still good, though!

It is essentially a turkey sandwich on sourdough with cheese, slathered with butter, and lightly cooked. As you can see, I cooked it too long. But I also didn't use as much butter AND I totally guessed wrong on the cheese. He loved it, but I really think he liked Turkey Eaters more. I also made Parmesan zucchini and asparagus. Never cooked asparagus, either. It was pretty good. And, for the third day in a row (blame camp), I cut up a whole pineapple. We had all of this with a glass of wine. And since we are totally uncultured, we didn't enjoy the wine at all, haha. I don't know what inspired me to buy that particular kind, but it was no bueno. So we had some cherry limeaide instead.

All in all, I didn't capture the buttery deliciousness of the Turkey Eater very well, but I made a deliciously fancy grilled cheese dinner for my deserving husband.

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