Thursday, September 22, 2011

Necklace Rack for Less Than $1

I had been keeping my necklaces on a store-bought rack that was quite pretty, but it left them tangled up and discouraged me from wearing them. So I've been thinking for awhile of something to make to display them in a neat manner, making them easy to get to. Found tons of ideas on Pintrest, but they all required tools or supplies that I didn't have on hand. So on my last trip to Walmart, I spotted a 5-gallon paint stirrer. A nice, flat, shapely wooden stick for 28 cents. Perfect! Pretty sure I could afford that. So here is how you make a 28-cent necklace rack (assuming you have the other supplies on hand like I did).

1. 5-gallon wooden paint stirring stick
2. Paint
3. Nails
4. Measuring tape or ruler
5. Ribbon
6. Stapler or hot glue
7. Hammer

Step One

Paint the stirrer in the color of your choice. I chose white. Let it dry completely before doing another coat and letting that dry as well.

(I really need to work on taking pictures as I do my projects, but I did this one over the course of a few days)

Step Two

Lay the ruler or measuring tape on the stirrer and mark of 1-inch increments in pencil.

Step Three

Staple or hot glue a ribbon to the back. Since I experimented with this first, I will tell you two things I did wrong here. 1: I tied knots on the ribbon ends. I later had to take them out to make the hammering easier. 2: I didn't staple as closely to the top as I could have. This makes it tilt forward once hung up. So, not knots and staple/hot glue close to the top. Okay? Okay.

This is more secure than it looks, btw...

Step Four

This step is best not done on your dining room table. Gather your hammer and nails, go outside, and hammer nails into the spots you marked off earlier. Make sure they will all be tilted a little bit upward when it is hung up. Downward-pointed nails = necklaces on the ground. No bueno.

See how my ribbon is sticking out of the end because I had to untie the knots here? Yep. Just trimmed that off.

Step Five

Hang it. A little more trial-and-error happened here. I first tried hanging it on one nail. Yeah, not so smart. I couldn't keep it balanced. So I used ever-so-classy clear push pins. Two of them. This helped stabilize it. Now you are ready to display your jewelry!

I never noticed how many heart necklaces I had...

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